Me and my family have come so far in such a short space of time and I would like to ask for your support in helping us reach our goals. This time 2 years ago I was homeless living on the streets of Cardiff with nothing to my name just a Heroin and crack addiction, my family at home worried sick I was dead. Today I have a beautiful girlfriend and a gorgeous baby daughter ( 6 days old on the 14/02/2019 ) no addiction and a very bright future to look forward to. I am not asking for money just for you to check out the list of stores and products listed in the side widget also listed as SUPPORT WIDGET. Click through to the site and make purchases as normal it will still be your high street stores just as an affiliate link. Please note all links are affiliated which means we will earn commissions thank you for your support.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Hi Everyone my name is Daniel Hall I am a recovering Heroin/Crack Addict. I have been clean coming up to 2 and a half years now and I feel fantastic for it. I remember 3 years ago I was living on the streets with these Demons and I truly thought my life was over. Today I have a beautiful Girlfriend a baby girl due to be born in March we have a beautiful Home and a gorgeous Shar-pei puppy called Charlie. I changed the way I was thinking and now I know that I can be whatever I want to be and because I know one day I will have everything to make my family comfortable I will it's a simple as that. Thanks for visiting my Blog if you're currently struggling with Addiction please feel free to contact me maybe I can help.

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