Me and my family have come so far in such a short space of time and I would like to ask for your support in helping us reach our goals. This time 2 years ago I was homeless living on the streets of Cardiff with nothing to my name just a Heroin and crack addiction, my family at home worried sick I was dead. Today I have a beautiful girlfriend and a gorgeous baby daughter ( 6 days old on the 14/02/2019 ) no addiction and a very bright future to look forward to. I am not asking for money just for you to check out the list of stores and products listed in the side widget also listed as SUPPORT WIDGET. Click through to the site and make purchases as normal it will still be your high street stores just as an affiliate link. Please note all links are affiliated which means we will earn commissions thank you for your support.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Many people think of addiction recovery as a long path. While there is some truth in that, the reality is that rehabilitation is only a series of steps. Recovery starts by taking the first step to finding your place in the world without substance abuse or addiction.

It seems complicated to know what the first step is for recovery. To adequately understand the process of healing, you might want to look up at the stars. There are millions and millions of stars in the sky.

Through a complicated journey, the stars in the sky come into being through a process of steps. Recovery is the same way. You take a few steps. You find a new path. You learn new behaviours. You deal with your triggers. You start a sober lifestyle.

Look up at night and think about your life in relation to each of those stars. The universe sets the example for overcoming adversity.

For those suffering from addiction, it might seem like the whole world is out of control. In truth, some people turn to drugs or alcohol to deal with their feelings of being unable to control life. The pain and difficulty of life can be too much to tolerate for some people.

While you cannot control life, you can control addiction and learn through recovery how to break the cycle of substance abuse.

You do not continuously have to go through life feeling like your addiction has control over everything you do. You can learn how to deal with your triggers and reclaim the path of your life. It is true that recovery is not easy, but addiction is a more difficult choice.

You have the option to take control of your life and find healthy ways to deal with the pain that is fueling your addiction and substance abuse. Recovery is your opportunity to change your life.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Hi Everyone my name is Daniel Hall I am a recovering Heroin/Crack Addict. I have been clean coming up to 2 and a half years now and I feel fantastic for it. I remember 3 years ago I was living on the streets with these Demons and I truly thought my life was over. Today I have a beautiful Girlfriend a baby girl due to be born in March we have a beautiful Home and a gorgeous Shar-pei puppy called Charlie. I changed the way I was thinking and now I know that I can be whatever I want to be and because I know one day I will have everything to make my family comfortable I will it's a simple as that. Thanks for visiting my Blog if you're currently struggling with Addiction please feel free to contact me maybe I can help.


Hi everyone I hope you're all well :) ok now cold turkeys can happen with any Drug/Alchohol and if you have experienced it then you will know how bad it really is. When the yawning starts and your Eye's start watering you know to get ready for what follows.

 So you're in full-blown Eye water mode what's next? Starting to feel agitated and anxious but anxious about what you don't actually know. So your half way there now but the worst is yet to come. Feeling hot are you with Goose pimples? Why don't you cool yourself down? Nope, that's a bad idea too cause now your too Cold. :( Go to bed try to get some sleep (that's not happening cause of the Irritable Leg Syndrome).

 So the irritable leg syndrome starts where you can't keep your legs still cause they're that irritated it would feel better to just chop them off or break them (seriously). Next comes the Vomiting which is pure disgusting like bile it's not actually Vomit but bile which is horrendous.

And last but not least the diarrhoea the dreaded shits which will come out of you when it chooses to not when you say.

    So if you're feeling lost and looking for a way out please think about these things before you do anything because trust me Drugs do not help anybody they mask your problems but they don't take them away. I forgot to mention while all the above is going on your starting to get your emotions back and guess what that means? You now have to deal with the issue that made you take Drugs/Alchohol in the first place. 


Be Content and Thankful. Two words that if you implement it daily will make your life happy.

Sunday, January 27, 2019


Hi everyone we all know that to beat an addiction you first need to cut all ties with anyone that either makes you think about drugs or will try and pursued you to go "score" but unless you have tried to do this does any of us really realise how hard this can be. Scenario: Your walking into your local town and it's been six month's since you used any drugs, you bump into Tom, Dick and Harry who are currently on route to meet their dealer. Tom sees you and try's to get you to go with them knowing you have been clean for a while now and will probably have money what do you do? 

This is a horrible situation for anyone to be in but what I have learnt is to not allow myself to get into a conversation with anyone I know is still using drugs. Don't get me wrong I have people I wish I could just scoop up and take that away from drugs but if they're not ready then we all know this is not possible. Try to find positive things to do and get your mind out of that vicious circle way of thinking. 

The Death that is Fentanyl

For some time now Fentanyl has been making its way onto UK Streets right under our noses. One hit of Fentanyl can be up to 50 times stronger...